Thursday, November 27, 2008

oh no oooooooooohhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooo...............................i deleted the

one where i...whhh...eerrre.. iiii.....made alex fall down hey! hey! heeeeeeeeey!i

noe now, i could retell the whole thing now ok ok


i was in class and wanted to play stress with my pal ci en okay?so... i took alexs

chair which i always do,so he looked at me n said that i want my chair bak in a

rude tone so without even thinking i said no when i was dragging the chair he

tried pull it away and i had to pull bak i didnt care and pulled with one hand

while playin stress wit one hand Alex was kinda strugglin so i started

pullin hard after moments of pullin ci en told me to let go so i let go n alex fell

bak wit the chair it was













seriously laughed my guts out but i have to admit i was in the wrong but it was

still funny

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