Saturday, November 1, 2008

halloween was just yesterday,candy, i dun tink so,

malimine(if tat is how u spell it)is keepin me from eatin anythin(except chocolate of course)waaaaaaaaaaaa........its so boring now u noe........stayin at home nothin to do,oh yeah,azlan invited some people to a halloween party yester day (5 girls 4 boys)wan hsien and i bought some lame rubber ball(emphasis on the ball) that bounces a lot ,jun hui got 1 too ,he got it stuck in a container and everytime we threw it ,it just kept bouncing,but finally junhui broke the damn f***ing thing,all the boys tried to act emo and went outside to "think"like we were realy thinkin,azlan just sat down and "thinked"

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