Wednesday, November 5, 2008

i did it(not tat it)i finally did it i f***ing changed the blogskin yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i figured it out(with the help of someone though)finally after long long looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong last,i did it soon u will get to see my true face on my profile,just wait,maybe in a year or two, that might just happen but 4 now............................................................................................

yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yah!!!!!!ok oh yeah im suppose to talk about my life or something now right,ok......... in school i watched some gay movie bout a chinese girl hu "tried" to raise money for school well in the end she did raise the money,but is she like crazy or somethin,hu wants 2 go 2 school i mean please,is she like crazy or somethin she spent her whole holiday tryin to do ok well.... i sorta can understand y she wants to go to school,but usin up ur whole holiday to do it,i mean like excuuuuse me...she got scammed(i m soooooooo sry if i spelled it wrong(heavy sarcasm) )by some kid 4 a pen that cost actually cost $0.80 but she stupidly bought it 4 $1.70 (retard)after tat...

well my school has post psle program n u can either join bead makin(cumon hu
would join tat)modern dance(lets jus say i dun dance well)IT(i was considering)craft n wirin(maybe)but in the end,i joined guitar.HEH.when i went bak 2 class, (lets not mention names) a certain boy (not from my class) started to fight with a girl (from my class),he tried to steal her bag she got angry and chased him i didnt really bother to watch,i was playin stress with keith,i tink the SHE won,i hope she doesnt read this,well...she dont noe my blog n i intend to kip in tat way or she would kinda like ,how should i put this uh...................................................................kill me

There really isnt anythin else i can say(or type)the rest of the day was rather borin so..............

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